Ambient Fall Detection Sensor



Fall prevalence increases with age globally and is actually considered an importance health problem. According to WHO, falls are the second leading causes of unintentional injury and death. Falls often require immediate medical attention since they lead to 20-30% of mild to severe injuries or even death. Fall detection systems alert when a fall occurs mitigating its consequences.  Negative consequences of falls can be reduced with real-time fall detection improving the time required for the patient to receive medical attention.  Patients sometimes remain laying in the floor causing additional medical and psychological problems if falls are not detected quickly. When monitoring falls in subjects in real conditions are less--frequent period of time, participants tend to forget the exact data of a fall.  This recall problem is more critical particularly in elder or impaired participants. 
There are two kinds of developed fall detection systems: Surveillance-based fall detection and wearable sensors-base fall detection. Surveillance based systems, especially camera-based system do not protect the user's privacy, and thus cannot be used in areas such as toilets,  washrooms,etc. Numerous wearable sensor-based systems require individual wear that smart device all the time with  obstucting the users' daily living, which also require timely battery charging, communication channel availability, special care of those smart device itself to get oneself cared. 
Yunhorn Technology's novel IoT/LoRaWAN based Ambient Fall Detection Sensor with Indication Lamp Bar provides another approach inside public toilets, washrooms and accessories or disabled toilets environment without compromise user privacy, when suspicious fall happen, sensor will flash emergency blue-red immediately, at the same time alert building management service in email or mobile SMS for immediate response  such as  confirming and caregiving, or even further, contact emergency medical services and mediators for medical assistance, thus save the gold rescue time, save the user's life.